1. Choosing your image
First thing first, you need to choose an image that will make a good stencil (or draw your own). To much detail is hard cu cut and and the stencil will become weak.

2. Designing the stencil
The next step is to pick out the darkest and lightest parts of image. Another method is to use photoshop to make the image high contrast and black and white.

3. Islands and bridges
So leave small gaps/ bridges to all the white bits.Say you have black around the eyes, but you want the white bite left. Leava a gap in black. This will connect it to rest of the face. This will come naturally after some tries and mistakes.

4. Careful cutting
Cutting out your graffiti stencil is probably the most fiddly bit. Here are some tips to stay safe:
a. Go slow and cut lightly
b. Always cut away from yourself
c. Make sure your hand is behind the blade that way if you slip you won`t cut your finger.

5. Spraying your stencil

One you`re happy with your stencil, it`s time to spray! Think about the surface/material you want your image on (t-shirt, bag, wall ,poster…). Spray quickly and evenly from about 15-25 cm away, otherwise the paint will drip (unless you want drips).Wait 30 secs until the paints dry and lift off your stencil to see your design.

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